Order and delivery


We need 3 days to make your order ready, counting from the moment we get your payment on our bank account and set all needed details, such as:

- the quantity and sizes of chosen products,

- pictures you want to have engraved,

- text (type/fonts),

 - 2D to 3D (ATTENTION! In case of 2D to 3D conversion we need one extra working day. The conversion cost is 30 up to 70 PLN, depending on how complicated your design is. As a standard we convert: faces, small animals, figures (e.g. Smurfs, owls, dwarfs). However, we are open to realize more complicated designs – in such situation realization time and cost we set individually. The cost of 3D 360º projects each time will be set individually.


Delivery is realized by couriers company. Sent package should reach you the next working day. Otherwise, please, be in touch with us.

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